natural energy for better results.
ECO VITA – new standard of organic fertilizers.

ECO VITA is an international brand and a manufacturer of high-performance organic fertilizers.
Our production is located in the city of Bata, on the continental part of Equatorial Guinea.
The products are supplied for agricultural purposes to the domestic market and to the countries of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS).
The product is based on a unique eco-friendly formula for rapid soil recovery and plant nutrition.
The active ingredients of ECO VITA are superior in action and capabilities to many worldwide analogues.
This is a highly concentrated complex of macro-, meso-, and micronutrients in a low-molecular humic preparation obtained by means of flow ultrasonic extraction of peat and peat-containing components.
The product contains a multimolecular complex stimulator of growth processes at various stages of plant growth, which contributes to the improvement of the efficiency of photosynthetic reactions and intracellular transformations.

Product Line

Peat nutrient substrate (PNS) is a ready-made universal product created on the basis of peat of the maximum group, with a neutral pH of 5.5-5.6 and the addition of PGMix fertilizer. PNS helps to achieve the maximum yield of the crop and improve its quality.

Substrate made from raw materials of the upper layer of low degree of decomposition, used for growing acid-loving plants (conifers, blueberries, heather, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, etc.).

To improve the soil structure when growing vegetable, flower, tree and shrub, pot plants, etc., which react negatively to increased soil acidity.For mulching the soil, covering the roots of perennial plantings from freezing. As a basis for preparing substrates for greenhouses, low-volume technologies, composts, etc.
Pre-sowing treatment
permitted for use with other fertilizers and chemical plant protection products.
Treatment before planting
Guaranteed yield increase of 20 to 90% depending on the type of agricultural crops.
Treatment during the vegetation period
Spraying and root soil treatment are carried out in several stages, taking into account the features of each crop.
Full restoration of natural fertility to depleted, degraded and contaminated soils, exclusion of the occurrence of a “herbicide hole”, biological soil activation due to the “live” biota of the product.
Strengthening of the immune system of crops, increasing yield, reliable protection from drought and diseases transmitted through the soil, retaining moisture in the soil, which contributes to active growth and strengthening of the root system.
100% natural organic raw materials,
completely safe for humans,
provides soil saturation with organics and nutrients.
From 6 months –
Period of full recovery of soils after fires and other natural disasters.

From 60 liters per hectare –
norm of consumption of fertilizer when using for spraying firefighting vehicles and firefighting equipment.
From 120 liters per hectare – the norm of fertilizer consumption when using aircraft for spraying.

- Reduces soil erosion and rehabilitates depleted lands,
- Provides humus recovery,
- Improves soil structure and moisture retention indicators,
- Increases gas permeability,
- Creates a fertile layer on infertile lands, including san.

Everything you need and useful
For the recovery and nutrition of degraded and contaminated soils, active seed germination, plant growth and root system formation.
Unique complex
Low-molecular substances, humates, potassium fulvates,
starting doses of basic nutrient substances of micro- and macroelements in ionic and chelate forms (organic nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, silicon, iron, manganese, sulfur, zinc).
Maximum effect
Due to the presence of a large number of low-molecular transport compounds in the composition of the preparation, providing a measured delivery of nutrients to growing cells.
2024, ВАТА
Equatorial Guinea